Friday, December 4, 2009


So we are trying to get Henry to eat some finger foods. It is not going well. I have been feeding him chunky food from a spoon for a while so I know the problem is not that he can't eat it, he just doesn't want to. He loves food so I don't know what the problem is. When I put things down on his tray he just moves them around and looks at me like what is this. I know he can pick it up because he picks up the smallest things he finds on the floor and puts them in his mouth! So far I have tried cottage cheese, puffs, and Cherrios. Any advice on getting him to eat finger food?!?


Henry's first Thanksgiving! We had a great time here with Daniel's family. Great food, football, naps what more could you ask for!

Henry always has fun playing at the grandparents' house.

One of his favorite toys. Yaya's metal bowls. They are loud and really fun!

Being silly with grandpa

Thursday, December 3, 2009

7 Months

I can't believe Henry is 7 months. He is getting so big! We have had a lot of first this month...

Started pulling up on the side of the bed so we had to lower the crib mattress.

We had our first cool weather walk so he needed his hat and sun glasses. :)

He has also started crawling on his hands and knees, picking up a cup and drinking from it by himself, he started making consonant sounds like na, ma, da but he is not connecting them together yet. His favorite things to do these days are climb anything and put things in his month. A you can see daddy makes a really good climbing toy! :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

6 Months!

Here Henry's six month picture. I have been putting him in the chair with his bear each month but this month he discovered the bear and immediately started trying to eat it. So this is what I got. He is also where the awesome new Saint jersey that Daniel's Aunt Pattey got for him. He looks so cute!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

What have we been up to?

So while I was gone from blogging a lot has happened. Henry is growing like crazy and doing so many different things. Here are some of the things he has been doing since the last time I posted.

-He is eating lots of different foods and loves them all. So far he has had banana, sweet potato, avocado, yogurt, peas, apple
-He is trying really hard to crawl and has mastered the army crawl. He is all over the place and is into everything! He loves finding the dogs toys and anything that is not a toy. Who needs a treadmill I just chase my 6 month old all day. :)
-He is so loud and loves talking and yelling. It is so funny to hear all of the different noises he makes.
-We had some sleep issues, but have finally got him sleeping through the night again. He is growing so fast and moving all of the time that he was hungry constantly. So after starting formula at night before bed we are back on track. I forgot how much better I feel when I get 6 or 7 hours of sleep at one time without interruption.

We are having so much fun with him and just can't believe he is growing so fast! Here are his 5 month photos. Six month shot to come.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

We dropped off the face of the earth!

Ok So I am way behind on keeping up with our blog! So to catch up I am doing to post several groups of pictures because we all know that's what you really want to see. :)

Four Months!

So I am behind again on updating our blog. Things have been really busy around here but one thing is for sure, Henry is growing like crazy! We went for his four month check up and he weighs 16 lbs 3oz and is 26 and 1/4 inches long. We are having so much fun with him. So many people told me that they loved each stage more that the one before and it is so true. Here are a few of the things he is doing right now.

-Grabbing at anything with color, including clothes, the remote or cell phones
-Laughing more and more everyday. He gets so tickled when we play with him.
-Talking and squealing. I have started calling him a little piglet because of the way he squeals when he plays and laughs it is so funny.
-Rolling all over the place. He will go from one end of a blanket to the other and back again.
-We are working on sitting alone but he is so interested in reaching for everything that he won't stay still long enough to really work on it.

We are just having so much fun watching him grow!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

My version of a 3 month photo shoot

3 Months Old!!

Henry is three months old today! I can't believe how fast he is growing. He changes everyday and is learning new things all the time. He is starting to roll from his tummy to his back more consistently and is really working on going from his back to tummy. His new thing is blowing spit bubbles. He does it all of the time! He loves making gurgling, spitting noises too. He is all boy!

This week Daniel's aunt came to visit and we had a great time with her. She, Daniel's mom, Henry and I went shopping everyday! It was so fun but really tiring. Henry was spoiled by them and got some great clothes and a new big toy from his Yaya. Here are some pics of him playing in it for the first time.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Girl Friends and Babies!

On the way back from the wedding I was able to get together with my girl friends from college. It was so fun! There are 7 of us that became best friends our freshman year and stayed together all four years. We are now all married have four kids between us and two on the way! It really is amazing how much things change in just 5 years. Everyone was able to come except Katie and we missed her! The kids had so much fun playing together and it was so crazy to watch all that was happening and think these are our kids! It was so great to catch up and meet the babies for the first time. We will have to do it again soon!

(Barri I borrowed some of the photos from your blog. Hope you don't mind. :) )

Rachel, Baby Cobb, and Amanda's little girl Mallie. Isn't Mallie adorable! Rachel is due very soon and we can't wait to find out what the baby will be.

Mary with her little one Lottie. She was so cute, squealing with delight at Carter.

Barri, baby Truett in her belly, Henry and me. Barri was my roommate for years. We had so much fun together. She is due in October.

Carter and Mallie. Carter is the oldest of the bunch. He is 3 and was so sweet to share his toys with the babies.

This was our attempt to get a picture of all of the kids together. This was the best one I got. It was so funny watching them.

Amanda making Lottie laugh.

Natalie, Mallie, Henry and me. Natalie was married the day after Henry was born. I was so sad to miss the wedding but I was a little busy!

Mallie giving Henry kisses. She really liked him.

Growing So Fast

Henry is growing so fast, but he is more and more fun everyday. He is holding his head up really well and talks all the time. It is so cute to listen to his sweet voice. He is laughing more and smiles all the time. It was so fun to see him playing with my dad when we were in AR. I am so glad to be staying at home and love watching him change and grow everyday.

We had Small Group at our house and Megan loves putting people's shoes on. She found Henry's and kept trying to put them on him. It was really cute.

Henry and My Dad playing hard

Henry discovered the TV recently and watches so intently.

Henry has also started putting his hands in his mouth all the time. I know we are days away from him putting everything in his mouth!

Sweet face!

Recently Henry has started grabbing his hair at night while he is falling asleep. He pulls it out sometimes and we are trying to get him to stop. Last night I gave him this little blanket to hold and it really helped. I think he liked it.

The other day after work Daniel put his tie on him. Isn't he cute!