Friday, May 28, 2010

Sweet Henry!

Baby Dedication

A couple of weeks ago Henry had his baby dedication at our wonderful church North Wake.  It was a day I had dreamed of long before I had a child.  The day that we got to present our our child before the Lord and commit to raise that child in His way and train them up to follow Christ. So when the day finally came I was so excited.  The day I dreamed of was here.  Well, God has a wonderful since of humor when it comes to my dreams of a perfect day.  Lets just say you know how there is always one kid during the dedication that cries or fusses.  Well that was our son!  He was ready to get down and play and was tired of being held and fussed loudly through the second half! I just looked at Daniel and said "Well that didn't go how I always dreamed." Ha!  But it was still a special day!
Henry loves his Uncle Bob! Bob is Daniel uncle and he and Henry has a lot of fun together.

I have been sick with bronchitis and Daniel took care of Henry and was so much help. I can down at one point and this is what I found.  Fun times with Daddy!