Wednesday, June 24, 2009

2 Months Old

Henry is 2 months old today and I can't believe it. He is growing so fast. He rolled from his belly to his back for the first time yesterday and he has started bringing things to his mouth, which I am sure I am going to get less excited about soon :). He weighs almost 13 lbs and is 24 in long. We think he is a going to be a talk lanky boy because he has gained weight and gotten taller but he waist is the same size. It is so fun watching him grow and learn and I can't wait to see him do even more!

Father's Day

We had a great Father's Day. It was exciting for Daniel on his first Father's Day. We went to church and Henry went to the nursery for the service and sunday school. He did great. We went to lunch with Daniel's parents and walked around in the beautiful weather.

Father and son

Three generations

Family photo

Too cool

Monday, June 15, 2009

6 Week Update (a bit late)

Henry has been growing like crazy. We had his 6 week check up and he weighed 12 lbs and was 24 in long! I can't believe how fast he is growing. He is becoming so much more interactive. He studies things all the time and bats at his toys and our faces every once and a while. He loves to try to talk to you. It is so sweet, it is like he is trying so hard to tell you something. He pushes up on his hands and loves to stand and sit like a big boy. The best thing is that for the past week he has consistently slept at least 8 hours at night! We can't believe it. Someone asked us what our secret was and we told them we have no idea he just did it on his own. Here are some recent photos.

Henry before church making a funny face. He stayed in the nursery for the first time.

Playing on the floor. Roux has to stay close when he is on the floor.

After just waking up. Gotta love the bed head.

Sweet eyes looking over his grandpa's shoulder.

This is how he fell asleep on Daniel the other night. I don't think he liked the lights.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Five Year Anniversary!!

Out on our first date after becoming parents! (Oh and I got my hair chopped off :) )

At our fabulous dinner

Last Friday was Daniel and I's 5 year anniversary. It is so crazy that we have been married for 5 year and a couple for about 12. We had a great time going out to PF Chang's while Henry stayed with his Yaya (Daniel's mom). It was a great dinner and so nice to have some time together.

I can truly say that I love Daniel more today than the day we married and can't believe how wonderful our life is. We have been through a lot in these 5 years, living in the oldest apartment building in Arkadelphia (it had a the original metal flower drawer. My mom had to tell me what it was.), moving to New Orleans for seminary and learning to love the city, leaving and losing our life we loved in New Orleans, spending a year and a half in Little Rock taking time away from school and working at the Peabody Hotel (by far the best jobs we have had to date), moving far away from home to go back to school in North Carolina, and having our sweet little boy. We have lived in 6 different apartments/homes and 3 different states, but they have all been home. God has been so good to us in our life together. He has provided for us in ways we never could have imagined in times when we couldn't see how it would all be ok. He has given us such wonderful gifts of amazing friends and wonderful churches in each place that we have lived. He gave us wonderful schools to attend. And he has given us the best gift yet of our precious son.

Our life is different than we thought it would be at this time in our marriage. We thought we would be done with Daniel's masters, maybe have 2 kids and living closer to Arkansas. Instead we have at least 2 years of masters work and more study to come and one little boy (I am not disappointed about that part) and we live in NC. But, I would not trade the road we have walked. God has drawn us together like I never could have imagined and drawn us to dependance on him in the most wonderful way. We have a wonderful life! It has been a wonderful 5 Years and I cannot wait for what is to come.

Us Lately

Here are some photos of Henry recently and what we have been up to. He is growing so fast and getting so big. He is starting to look so old. We are having so much fun with him, he is interacting so much more. He smiles over and over in the mornings and tries so hard to talk. It is so funny to watch him.

Laying on our bed in his cute shorts

Roux has really taken to Henry. He always has to stay close.

So it seems that our attempts to prevent thumb sucking are failing.

Watching TV in bad with Daddy while Mommy gets ready.

Henry in his first big boy outfit. He looks so tall and so old.