I can't believe Henry is 9 months old! He will be one year in just 3 months! That is so exciting and sad at the same time. He is very busy these days cruising around the furniture, standing on his own and talking all of the time. He finally started saying ma ma ma and da da da this month. He is getting to big and is still so cute!
This is one of his favorite things lately. He thinks it is really funny.
He loves to eat!! He has not rejected anything we have given him. This day he was eating squash and got it all in his hair. You can also see that Roux is waiting by his chair for pieces that may fall (or be thrown) on the floor.
He and I have both had a cold this week. This is the carnage of my cleaning some of his toys. Daniel thought it was really funny and said it looked like a taxidermy shop. Ha Ha!