Friday, January 21, 2011

Silly Boy

 Henry Has been so silly these days! I had turned the ottoman over the other day and he wanted to play on it.  So I let him and then he wanted to make it a bed. Ha!

 Henry's best friend Ava came over and they were being silly on the stairs
 In his new rain boots and pj's
 His new favorite thing to do lately is hide under things.  Here is where I have found him lately.

Fun Times with Daddy

 Henry LOVES hanging out with Daniel.  They do the funniest things.  Every time I come back Henry has something funny on.  See below for proof.

Christmas 2010

We had a great Christmas!  It was so fun since Henry was much more into it this year.  He has much fun opening presents and seeing his new big boy toys!  It was so fun to have Christmas at our house and start some new traditions.  Christmas Eve we had a "Happy Birthday Jesus Party" and read from Henry's Jesus Story Book Bible.  Christmas Day we opened presents our house then had a big Christmas lunch at Daniel's moms!  Always great food!
Henry helped me make Christmas Cookies.  It was so fun! He loved shaking on the sprinkles and eating the icing!

 Cute Christmas jammies!
 He got some great big boy toys!

 Being cheesy in front of the Christmas Tree
 Cool new toys
 He got a really cool "barnen"
 Mommy and daddy got him a real football
 Showing Uncle "Bobum" his really cool fire truck
 Another cool big boy toy, a great slide!
 Our sweet big boy!